Title LS Cable & System’s CSR Report wins gold prize at the Galaxy Awards in the United States
      Date 2021-12-20

      Photograph)  An employee of LS Cable & System is shown with the CSR report that won the gold prize at the Galaxy Awards

      ■ Global PR marketing competition hosted by a U.S. marketing evaluation agency
      ■ The report includes the major achievements of sustainability management with a focus on the ESG management vision

      LS Cable & System announced on December 15 that its 2021 sustainability management report for 2021 won the gold prize at the Galaxy Awards, a global PR marketing competition.
      The Galaxy Awards are hosted by MerComm, a U.S. marketing evaluation agency, and experts from more than 50 countries select winners in a total of 15 areas including sustainability management reports, advertising and videos. MerComm evaluates entries independently without receiving advertising or sponsorship, and is known for its high reliability.
      LS Cable & System’s sustainability management report for 2021 summarized major achievements in 10 areas, including social contributions, shared growth, ethical management, and eco-friendly management with a focus on the ESG management vision. The cable maker received the highest score in all evaluation items, including CEO message, CSR achievements, design, information accessibility, and readability.
      LS Cable & System declared its ESG management vision in June 2021. The company established an ESG committee and a dedicated department, and has since been reinforcing environmentally friendly product management and safety management.
