Title LS Cable & System donates KRW100 million for abused children, etc. in Donghae City
      Date 2021-04-21

      Hyeong-Won Kim, head of the Energy Business Division of LS Cable & System (right) is posing for a commemorative photo together with Gyu-Eon Shim, mayor of Donghae City, (left) at the ceremony held at the Donghae City Hall.



      ■ Providing psychotherapy and reinforcing family values for children and parents
      ■ Providing education expenses for underprivileged children, cost of vehicles for welfare facilities, etc


      LS Cable & System (President & CEO, Myung Roe-Hyun) announced on April 21 that it would donate KRW100 million to help the underprivileged in Donghae City, namely abused children, through Community Chest of Korea.
      A ceremony was held at Donghae City Hall that was attended by Hyeong-Won Kim, Head of the Energy Business Division of LS Cable & System, Gyu-Eon Shim, Mayor of Donghae City, Sang-Wook Lee, Director of the Gangwon Southern Child Protection Agency, and other local dignitaries and concerned citizens.
      LS Cable & System joined hands with the Gangwon Southern Child Protection Agency to sponsor the ‘Project to Support the Families of Abused Children together with LS Cable & System’ as it did last year. The purpose of this project is to promote the psychological stability of victimized children and reinforce family values.
      Its programs include provision of art therapy and psychotherapy for victimized children and their parents to minimize the aftereffects of abuse, and help prevent recurrence of such abuse.
      LS Cable & System will also provide education expenses for the underprivileged children, the cost of purchasing vehicles for the welfare facilities, and other such expenses.
      Ever since forming a partnership with Donghae City, Gangwon-do by constructing a submarine cable plant there in 2009, LS Cable & System has been continuously providing support for vulnerable groups of citizens.

