Title LS Cable & System Declares ESG Management Vision RE100
      Date 2021-06-14

      Photograph: Chairman Koo Cha-Yup of LS Cable & System gives a commemorative speech at the ESG Management Vision Declaration Ceremony in LS Tower, Anyang, Gyeonggi-do.



      ■ ‘No. 1 eco-friendly cable solutions leading the sustainable future’
      ■ Planning to accomplish RE100 at the plant in Donghae, Korea by 2024, and at the plant in Poland by 2025
      ■ Increasing the proportion of green products to 50%, recycling waste cables, and reinforcing safety education for vendors




      LS Cable & System (President & CEO, Myung Roe-Hyun) declared its ESG Management Vision to become the “No. 1 eco-friendly cable solution leading the sustainable future,” on June 14, and announced that the company would actively pursue ESG management.


      LS Cable & System will establish an ESG Committee and ESG Department, and reinforce the development of eco-friendly products and safety management. The company will also push ahead with RE100, a global initiative to transition to 100% renewable electricity, by 2050.


      LS Cable & System selected ▲ responding to climate change with green infrastructure innovation, ▲implementing safety-first workplaces, and ▲ practicing fair and transparent ESG management as key challenges.


      In a commemorative speech at the ESG Management Declaration ceremony, LS Cable & System Chairman Koo Cha-Yup said, “As an enterprise responsible for the ‘blood vessels’ that deliver energy and information throughout the industry, we declared ESG management to participate in the efforts to restore a healthy planet and realize the social values of the enterprise.”


      LS Cable & System is planning to accomplish RE100 at its plant in Donghae, Korea by 2024, and at its plant in Poland by 2025, and then expand it to all business sites.


      LS Cable & System will also increase the proportion of green products among the products it manufactures to 50% by 2030. Furthermore, the company will build a system for collecting and recycling customers’ waste cables, and take responsibility for the disposal of the products it sells.


      LS Cable & System also supports the ESG management of its vendors. The company will provide consulting to help vendors prevent safety accidents, establish ESG management standards, and increase the use of renewable energy.
